Jamaica has a population of 2.95M across 10,991 km², with global influences in Media, Foods, Culture, Sports, and Entertainment. The Internet Penetration was 55% (Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1055489/internet-penetration-jamaica/) in 2017 and mobile penetration was 101% (Source: https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2021-jamaica ). Here are five (5) reasons why Jamaica is the perfect Country for Full-Scale Data Analytics:
The People
Data Analytics is the process of examining data to uncover useful information to generate value. With a diverse tech-savvy population on a relatively small landmass, creativity is a daily by-product of social interactions. This creativity is the fuel that drives the discovery of Data Insights that lead to Value from Data.
The Melting Pot
It’s not enough to have access to a lot of Data, you need Experience, Business Expertise, and Diversity to gather useful insights. Jamaica is a melting pot of Cultures, Opinions, and Experiences, training Jamaican Data Analysts and Scientists will strengthen the global field of Analytics and AI.
Global Influence
Jamaica already holds a global influence on Culture, Sports, and Entertainment. Prescriptive Analytics applied in Jamaica can help Brands and Businesses test new products and services in a diverse environment. Businesses can also use the Jamaican stage to increase awareness for their offerings.